Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Top Nursing Blogs

Dear Readers,

Bob's blog has been selected as one of the 100 top nursing blogs! Here's a link to the list, and stay tuned for more adventures of Bob the Nurse!


  1. YEH For you!!! RN's ROCK!


  2. Nursing is good career option. There are many LPN program been carried out in schools & universities to promote health care.

  3. Thanks for this great article. I like so much this article. The baby mostly covers any exposed tummy anyway. I especially like the tops that have the wrap style at the bosom; some call it an Asian wrap style. It's very easy to pull aside one side & nurse away. The layering the tank underneath works great also. Pull up the shirt, pull aside the neckline of the tank- only "lunch" is exposed. I started out thinking nursing tops were necessary, but quickly ditched the duds because it was just as easy to nurse and wear regular clothes. There is a greatsit that can change any brain nursing bra for you. Just keep in mind that you want classic styles that will wear well. Look for some maternity basics to start with, pairing them with some of your own, more forgiving, pieces
    nursing tops
